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The Leader in GX Honda & Chinese OHV Performance
The leader in GX Honda & Chinese OHV Performance
Stainless High-Flow, Lightweight Valve, 2.58" (~.070" Longer than Stock). Use for Most GX200, 6.5 Racing "Clone", and 212 Predator Applications.
Stainless, High Flow, Lightweight Valve. 2.58" (~.070" Longer than Stock). Use for Most GX200 & "Clone" Race Engines.
Stainless, High Flow, Lightweight Valve. +.230" Over Stock & Longer than Our Standard Stainless Valves.
Stainless High-Flow, Lightweight Valve. +.230" Over Stock, Longer Than Our Standard SS Valves.
Stainless Steel High-Flow, Lightweight Valve. +.230" Over Stock, Longer than Our Standard Valves.